Greater Indianapolis NAACP Branch #3053
​The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People works to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.
Learn about our 2024 Legislative Day at the Indiana Statehouse. Get involved in our push for Black Academic Excellence. You can get involved in the fight for racial justice in many ways.
The Greater Indianapolis Branch #3053 is an all-volunteer organization formed in 1912, shortly after the national NAACP was formed. Our work today is as relevant as ever, as demonstrated by our recent accomplishments. Much more remains to be done.
We invite you to join the NAACP as a member and to attend our upcoming meetings and events. Together, we can build a community in the Greater Indianapolis area that respects the rights and dignity of all people.

Upcoming Events
The NAACP invites you to join us at these upcoming events in our community. Our monthly meetings are open to all who share our mission to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights for all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.
1/ Monthly Greater Indianapolis Branch Meetings
First Thursday of Every Month
6:30 pm
Julia Carson Gov't Center
300 E. Fall Creek Pkwy, N. Dr.
2/ 2024 Greater Indianapolis Freedom Fund Banquet
Friday, September 27
Indianapolis Public Library – Central Library
40 E St Clair St, Indianapolis
Committees and Projects
Call the Indianapolis Branch
Our Mailing Address:
300 E. Fall Creek Pkwy. N. Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46205

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor

Friends of the NAACP